models being weird

Sometimes, you look at pictures of beautiful models and think things like, 

"Man. I wish I was just that graceful all the time."

This post is meant to show you that models are NOT that graceful all the time. And it could very well be that they are just as goofy and down to earth as you are.


MODELS = REGULAR PEOPLE [that aren't afraid of cameras like the rest of us]. To those that argue that is the definition of a not-normal person, well, whatever you think.

I have the privilege of working regularly with the ladies that represent the style of Mystique Boutique, a rapidly growing brand here in Southwest Missouri. 

These ladies are gorgeous but they're also straight up FUN- I always play some jams on a portable speaker while we work and the girls dance, ham it up, and of course do the legit model thing. I don't know how people can do fashion shoots without some Motown or Justin Timberlake playing... 

I couldn't do this if these girls weren't mega-talented at what they do. But at the same time...

Sometimes, it also feels like a competition for who can do the absolutely weirdest poses- which always catch me off guard between the normal "look how cozy I feel in this sweater" or "you too can be a goddess in this dress" shots. 

That main competition is between Crystal & Ebony. 

Ebony is and also DOES the bees knees. 



Then there's Crystal. Who flips that switch between fashionista and dino-hands faster than my shutter can snap open. 

below are a few of my favorite ridiculous moments from the past few months. More "serious work" coming soon. :) 

Shanna (Mystique's owner) and crew below. Love these guys!